From its founding in 1917 to the present, the Hawai‘i Nurses' Association has served as the organization for nursing in Hawai‘i and continually strives to preserve the identity, integrity, and continuity of the profession. In 1918, the Hawai‘i Nurses' Association (then known as the Honolulu Nurses' Club) became affiliated with the American Nurses Association. For more than eighty years the Hawai‘i Nurses' Association has been recognized as the official voice for the nursing profession in Hawai‘i.
In 1960, the Economic and General Welfare Council of HNA began conducting labor relations for the organization. In 1979 a special House of Delegates was convened and the Collective Bargaining Organization within the Hawai‘i Nurses' Association (HNA/CBO) was created.
In 2004, delegates at a special HNA and House of Delegates approved resolutions to merge creating a single unified HNA. The Association is a multi-faceted organization, and offers its members the following programs: legislative, collective bargaining, and nursing practice.
In 2010, the Hawai‘i Nurses’ Association affiliated with the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), and became HNA, OPEIU Local 50, AFL-CIO.
The Executive Board of the Hawai‘i Nurses' Association welcomes you to our organization!